
Story of one: the first birman cat

It was the best of the worst times. A century long plight had finally been lifted. Families began living prosperous lives as crops started to grow again after the generation long drought had finally concluded.  In gratitude, deviants turned to religion and were openly embraced. Small temples were erected in homage to their savior. The embodiment of the one true lord - a three headed deity, composed of pure light - drew all the world’s calamity and shaped it into a spear. With it the savior struck down the embodiment of evil that had roamed the Earth freely for eons. The blow flung the shadowy calamity into the moon, splitting a piece of it off into the depths of space. In its final moments the savior was divided into thousands of small orbs of light that were strewn all over the planet. From these remnants small, solid white, kittens emerged with the sole purpose of safeguarding the planet from the calamity’s eventual return.

The most impressive of the deity’s temples was constructed on the spot where she had made her last stand.  There her kittens had multiplied into a large pride that littered the entire structure. White streaks could be seen dashing through the halls as long bellowing mews could be heard echoing through the hallways. The cats were worshipped as deities themselves whilst the priests of the temple searched for the path of enlightenment - left by their deity’s departure. For years the High Priest meditated daily for hours upon hours. By opening his mind he was capable of exploring the wonders of the world as well as his own body. Alongside him One, the eldest of the felines, meditated with her human while secretly adoring his company.

Although most people had turned away from evil many found the ease of criminal life too enticing.  Thieves had misinterpreted the stories of wealth the priest had obtained and raided the temple. While protecting the golden shrine of the deity the High Priest suffered a massive heart attack. One, protectively craned over her master’s body, hissed violently at the intruders. Finding motivation in One’s actions the fellow priest, along with the other cats, rose up to exorcise the invaders. As her master’s body lay dying, in front of their savior’s statue, One wept into his chest. As the tears continued to fall One gazed into the saviors likeness. Her eye’s glowed as the High Priest’s soul rose from his corpse and was absorbed into One. As the transfer took place One’s fur changed. A seal was imprinted upon her as her legs turned the color of the earth her face was printed with the likeness of her master and her eyes changed from yellow to blue. Only her feet - standing on her master’s body - remained white, signifying her master’s purity.   


Story of one: Fork


At the tipping point of the world’s revolution, away from darkness and into light, sat One - pushing the pendulum forward. Having the soul and awareness of the High Priest transmuted onto her compelled One to pass on his teachings. Before embarking upon the path of enlightenment she appointed three disciples the responsibility of shaping the growth of the temple’s faith. Once they had passed away each priest’s soul was appropriated into a feline from One’s pride that chose the next head of their branch. As a result of the transmutation each cat adopted a seal, similar to One’s – with one exception. The colors of the seals were each different: one blue, the other red, and the last yellow, with each color symbolizing the individual sects of the temple in which they belonged to.  As time passed the different branches feuded needlessly. Alas, an elderly One found managing the discord futile and exhumed herself from the temple - into the wilderness - in search of the path to enlightenment.

In the wilderness she found a cave to inhabit. There she waited patiently for enlightenment to reveal itself. On the night of a fool moon, in the dead of winter, a beast lumbered into the cave. Hidden in the shadows One observed the injured creature limp and collapse at the caves threshold. The morning light revealed a crippled wolf obstructing her retreat from the belly of the cave. After discovering One the wolf pleaded for help. She explained that her pack had succumb to a wickedness that wholly corrupted them. During her excommunication she had become injured and retreated to the cave for a reprieve from the wild. Conflicted on what decision to make One accused the wolf of planning to eat her once the wolf’s health had been restored. In response the wolf swore undying loyalty for her assistance. Additionally the wolf promised to viciously maul One if she were to refuse and the wolf were to somehow survive. Reluctantly, One agreed and with her melodic mews lured small woodland creatures into the cave. Once inside a monstrosity of teeth greeted them to their ultimate demise. Wantonly, One observed the wolf as she devoured her victims, one by one. In the depths of her fast the wolf easily convinced One to savor in the bounty of their cruelty. Over time the wolf recuperated and returned to her pack - One by her side. By ruthlessly executing the cruelty of their combined wisdom the wolf regained control of her pack.

Compelled by her achievement One returned to the temple only to find it corrupt. Instead of following her original teachings the temple priests had begun to worship the golden statue, made in the likeness of their savior, as a deity itself. Upon this discovery One took her newfound pride and ravaged the temple, igniting an inferno. As the fire raged the golden statue erupted suddenly! The ground shook violently and a hole opened in the earth that swallowed the temple whole. In the aftermath One vanished, without a trace, and the temple’s survivors splintered into their own practices where their individual beliefs became the focus.